

Why Trump must stop being Trump to survive

I am a U.S.-born linguist, an expert in Caucasian languages and also politics, and someone who advised the Bill Clinton White House on Russia at various points in my career. And so I feel justified in arguing the opposite: Trump must stop being Trump.

Trump’s short time in office has been a reflection of his lack of insight, lack of control and lack of judgment. He has failed to meet the needs and duties of his office. He shows no signs of ever meeting those needs or fulfilling those duties. Instead, he is too busy fulfilling his penchant for excess — also known as Trump being Trump.

Trump being Trump, in fact, is prone to political self-immolation. His narcissism clouds his eyes. Rather than being exceeded only by Lincoln in presidential qualities, as he himself recently bragged, Trump is the least presidential figure to hold the office in American history.